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Month: August 2022

  • Open Order for PDBs- Containers and Pluggables

    New in 23c, you can define an open order for the PDBs. This gives priority to mission-critical PDBs so that they are started first. The priority is for opening and upgrades. Priority values are lower to higher values, with the lower values being processed first. Values can be the same but will be processed in…

    Read More: Open Order for PDBs- Containers and Pluggables


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  • Recovery Catalog Versions – RMAN Backups and Reporting
    Recovery Catalog Versions – RMAN Backups and Reporting

    I recommend that you create a recovery catalog for each version of the target databases that you are backing up. Doing so will save you some headaches with compatibility issues and upgrades. I have found it easier to use a recovery catalog when the database version of the rman client is the same version used…

  • Registering a Target Database – RMAN Backups and Reporting
    Registering a Target Database – RMAN Backups and Reporting

    Now, you can register a target database with the recovery catalog. Log in to the target database server. Ensure that you can establish connectivity to the recovery catalog database. For instance, one approach is to populate the TNS_ADMIN/tnsnames.ora file with an entry that points to the remote database. On the target database server, register the…

  • Creating a Recovery Catalog – RMAN Backups and Reporting
    Creating a Recovery Catalog – RMAN Backups and Reporting

    When I use a recovery catalog, I prefer to have a dedicated database that is used only for the recovery catalog. This ensures that the recovery catalog is not affected by any maintenance or downtime required by another application (and vice versa). Listed next are the steps for creating a recovery catalog: 1. Create a…


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